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Yatao Yang

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Personal Details

Basic Information

YATAO YANG received his B.Sc. degree in optical instrumentation engineering from Zhejiang University, China in 1984, and Ph.D. degree in fiber optics from Glasgow Caledonia University, U.K in 1997.. After B.Sc. he joined Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, where he was involved in semiconductor equipment and optoelectronic device development.  In 1996, he was with the University of Leeds, U.K., as a research officer involved in areas of optical fiber laser materials. In 1997, he joined Resonance Ltd., in Canada, where he was developing spectral gas sensors. In 1998, he joined JDSU Corporation, Canada, where he was developing optical fiber devices. In 2000, he joined Chorum Technologies Inc., US, where he was developing optical fiber devices. In 2004, he joined JDSU Corporation, US, where he was developing optical fiber devices and fiber lasers. In 2009, he joined NeoPhotonics Corporation, as VP of R&D, developing optical fiber devices. In 2014, he founded Shenzhen Dade Laser Technology Co. , Ltd. In 2017, he was appointed as a Distinguished Professor with the College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, China. In 2018, he became the Head of the Smart IoT Center, Shenzhen University. His research interests include optical networking, optical sensors, optical data transmission and data processing, optical nanomaterials, optical-wireless communications, and lasers.

Some Publications


2.“Design of 50 G nonpolarizing dense wavelengthdivision multiplexer angle-tuning bandpass filter”,APPLIED OPTICS,1 October / Vol. 49, No. 28 /p5271-5275, 2010

3.“Machine-vision-based Defect Detection Using Circular Hough Transform in Laser Welding”,2016 4th International conference onMachinery, Materials and Computing Technology(ICMMCT 2016) Hangzhou, China

4.“Performance of a Liquid-Crystal Optical Harmonic Equalizer”,OFC2001, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Postdeadline paper, March 2001

5.“A Distributed Optical Fiber Fluorosensor for pH Measurement”,Journal of Luminescence, p1017-1019, 1997

6.“A multipoint quasi-distributed optical fiber pH sensor”,Optical Review,Vol.4, No 1A,p111-113,1997

7.“Characterization of a Distributed Optical Fiber Chemical Sensor”,SPIE, Photonics China, p103-108, 1996

8.“Alteration of Response of pH Indicator Fluorescein Immobilized in Sol-Gel Thin Film as Optical Fiber Sensor”, SPIE Photonics China, p237-242, 1996

9.“Characterization of Quasi Distributed Optical Fiber pH Sensor”,SPIEVol. 2838,Denver 96 Symposium, Distributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors VI, Denver, 1996.

10.“Characterization of Sodium Flurescein Dye Immobilized within Sol-Gel Matrix”, SPIE VOL. 2386, Denvor 96 Symposium, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Fiber Sensors VIII, 1996

11.“A 16 Point Quasi Distributed Optical Fiber pH Sensor”,SPIE, 11th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Japan, 1996

12.“Optimization of a HiBi Fiber Based Distributed Force Sensor”,Smart Structures, SPIE conference, 1995, Munich

13.“Application of Sol-Gel Processes for Fiber Optic Chemical Sensor”,SPIE, 10th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Glasgow, 1994

14.“A Sol-Gel Based Evanescent Wave Fiber Optic Chemical Sensor”,Applied Optics & Electronics,UK, 1994, p145-147

15.“Investigation of Assembly Techniques on Focal Plane of Multiple Area Charge Coupled Devices”,Optoelectronic Engineering,China,Vol.19, No. 4, 1992, p23-29