
Yang Jiang Associate Professor

  • Office room:1211, Zhizhen Building
  • Tutor category:
  • Tele:0755-86936675
Personal Details

Basic Information

lTitle:  Associate Professor


lTel:   0755-86936675

lOffice:  1211, Zhizhen Building

lGoogle Scholar Website:

Brief Introduction

Jiang Yang holds a PhD degree in electrical engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and is an executive member of the Singapore Chapter of the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society. Introduced by Shenzhen University's "Hundred Talents Plan". He is currently an associate professor at the School of Electronics and Information Engineering and a member of the National Key Laboratory of Radio Frequency Heterogeneous Integration. He has published more than 20 articles in top international journals and conferences as the first or corresponding author, developed a three-dimensional heterogeneous electromagnetic simulation software based on the component equivalent circuit method. His research interests include partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) modeling for heterogenous integrations, physics-informed artificial intelligence, multi-scale & multi-physics modeling, and design-technology co-optimization techniques.

Education Background

[1]2009- 2013, Bachelor degree, The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, EE Department

[2]2013-2019, Ph. D degree, The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Microwave Laboratory

Working Experience

[1]2020-2023 Research Scientist, Institute of High-Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore

[2]2024-now: Associate Professor, Shenzhen University


[1]“Highly Recommended Paper”, 2022 APEMC

Current Research Directions

[1]Computational electromagnetics leveraged by AI

[2]Multiphysics modeling for heterogeneous integrations

[3]EDA techniques for design-technology co-optimization.

Representative Publications

[1]Y. Jiang, Richard X.-K. Gao, “Compact quasi-static PEEC modeling of electromagnetic problems with finite dielectrics”, IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 2373-2383, June 2023.

[2]2. Y. Jiang, W.J. Zhao, Richard X.-K. Gao, E.-X. Liu, and CE. Png, “A Full-wave Generalized PEEC Model for Periodic Metallic Structure with Arbitrary Shape”, IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., Sept. 2022.

[3]3. Y. Jiang, Y. Dou, and K.-L. Wu, “Generalized PEEC model for conductor-dielectric problems with radiation effect”, IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 27-38, Jan. 2020.

[4]4. Y. Jiang and K.-L. Wu, “Quasi-static surface-PEEC modeling of electromagnetic problems with finite dielectrics”, IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 565–576, Feb. 2019. (

[5]5. Y. Jiang and Y. Dou, “PEEC Model Based on a Novel Quasi-static Green’s Function for Two-dimensional Periodic Structures”, IEEE J. Multiscale Multiphysics Comput. Tech., vol. 8, pp. 187-194, 2023.

[6]6. Y. Jiang and R. X. -K. Gao, "A PEEC-informed Deep Learning Approach for Inverse Electromagnetic Problem in Heterogeneous Integrations," 2023 IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal/Power Integrity (EMC+SIPI), Grand Rapids, MI, USA, pp. 740-745, 2023.

[7]7. Y. Jiang and X. K. Gao, “A Novel Circuit Modeling Approach for Electromagnetic Black-Box Problems Based on Generative Adversarial Networks and Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method”, 2022 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, May, 2022.

[8] Y. Jiang and X. K. Gao, "A Deep Learning Based Macro Circuit Modeling for Black-box EMC Problems", EMC/SI/PI and EMC Europe Symposium 2021 IEEE International Joint, pp. 64-67, Jul. 2021

[9]Y. Jiang and K.-L. Wu, "PEEC Model for Finite Dielectric Electromagnetic Problems”, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM), Singapore, 2020. (Invited Talk)

[10]Y. Jiang, Y. Dou, and K.-L. Wu, "Model order reduction of quasi-static PEEC model including dielectrics”, 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Molding and Optimization (NEMO), Boston, 2019.


[1]Service: Executive Committee Member of IEEE Singapore EMC Chapter

[2]Funding (2021-2024): Explainable Physics based AI for Engineering Modeling & Design, SERC, Singapore (Member)

[3]Funding (2022-2024): Air and the second electrostatic discharge modeling & simulation for hearing aids, WSA (Member)

[4]Funding (2024-2027): High-efficiency simulation techniques for multiscale modeling of heterogeneous integrations, Shenzhen Univ. (PI)

[5]Funding (2024-2025): Multi-physics equivalent circuit modeling approach for simulation and optimization of heterogeneous integration system, SKL of Radio Frequency Heterogeneous Integration.