
Neng Wang Associate Professor

  • Office room:919, Zhiteng Building
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Personal Details

Basic Information

lTitle:  Associate Professor


lOffice:  919, Zhiteng Building

lGoogle Scholar Website:

Brief Introduction

Dr. Neng Wang, Associate Professor, Overseas High Level Talent of Shenzhen. He received his Bachelor's degree of physics in 2010 and Ph.D. of theoretical physics in 2015 from Fudan University.  He worked at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as a postdoc from 2015 to 2019 and joined Shenzhen University as an Assistant Professor in 2019. His research is mainly focused on the optical force, artificial microstructure photonics, non-Hermitian optics and topological photonics.

Education Background

[1]9/2010~07/2015, Ph. D, Theoretical Physics, Physics Department, Fudan University, Shanghai, P. R. China

[2]09/2006~07/2010, Bachelor, Physics Department, Fudan University, Shanghai, P. R. China

Working Experience

[1]08/2023~Now, Associate Professor, Shenzhen University

[2]03/2019~07/2023, Assistant Professor, Shenzhen University

[3]08/2015~02/2019, Postdoc, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Current Research Directions

[1]Artificial microstructure photonics

[2]Non-Hermitian Optics

[3]Optical Forces

Representative Publications

[1]N. Wang, J. Ng and G. P. Wang, Morphology-independent general-purpose optical surface tractor beam, Nature Communications 15, 1 (2024).

[2]N. Wang, F. Feng and G. P. Wang, Achieving bi-anisotropic coupling through uniform temporal modulations without inversion symmetry disruption, Optics Letters 49, 2493 (2024).

[3]F. Feng, N. Wang (co-corresponding) and G. P. Wang, Temporal transfer matrix method for Lorentzian dispersive time-varying media, Applied Physics Letters 124, 101701 (2024).

[4]N. Wang, F. Feng and G. P. Wang, Broadband frequency translation by space–time interface with weak permittivity temporal change, Optics Letters 48, 4436 (2023).

[5]F. Feng, N. Wang (co-corresponding) and G. P. Wang, Lorentzian dispersive antireffection temporal coatings with multiple time durations, Optics Letters 48, 4328 (2023).

[6]L. Cui, S. Liu and N. Wang(corresponding), Optical sorting by trajectory tracking with high sensitivity near the exceptional points, New Journal of Physics 25, 093048 (2023).

[7]F. Feng, N. Wang (co-corresponding) and G. P. Wang, Magneto-optical double zero-index media and their electromagnetic properties in the bulk, New Journal of Physics 24, 113023 (2022).

[8]N. Wang, R.-Y. Zhang, Q. Guo, S. Wang, G. P. Wang, and C. T. Chan, Optical pulling using topologically protected one-way transport surface-arc waves, Physical Review B 105, 014104 (2022).

[9]L. Cui and N. Wang (corresponding), Trapping and self-assembly of particles by photonic chiral surface waves, Physical Review A 105, 053512 (2022).

[10]D. Yang, F. Feng, L. Sun, N. Wang (co-corresponding), and G. P. Wang, Realization of magneto-optical near-zero-index metamaterial by using an array of spinning cylinders, Physical Review A 105, 043517 (2022).


[1]2022-2025, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12174263), ¥530,000

[2]2020-2022, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11904237), ¥250,000

[3]2019-2021, Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (Grant No. 2020A1515010669), ¥100,00.