
Ziyu Lv Assistant professor

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Personal Details

Basic Information

lTitle:  Assistant professor/Associate Researcher


lOffice:  Room 909, Zhiteng Building

lGoogle Scholar Website:

Brief Introduction

Lv Ziyu is an Assistant professor/Associate Researcher at the College of Electronics and Information Engineering at Shenzhen University and a recognized high-level talent in Shenzhen. He has been actively engaged in the research and development of novel electronic devices in the field of microelectronics. Dr. Lv has published over 80 SCI papers, with more than 3,800 citations and an H-index of 32 (Google Scholar). As the first author or corresponding author, he has published 18 papers in prestigious journals, including Chemical Reviews, Matter, Advanced Materials, Materials Today, Device, Applied Physics Reviews, and Advanced Functional Materials. Among these, 5 papers were featured on journal covers, and 4 were recognized as highly cited ESI papers.

Education Background

[1]2010: Bachelor's degree in Materials Science from the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology.

[2]2016: Ph.D. in Materials Physics and Chemistry from the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology.

Working Experience

[1]2017-2018: Postdoctoral Researcher at the School of Electronic Science and Technology, Shenzhen University.

[2]2019-2020: Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

[3]2019-2022: Associate Researcher at the College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Shenzhen University.

[4]2022-Present: Assistant Professor at the College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Shenzhen University.


[1]National Scholarship, Wuhan University of Technology, 2007.

[2]Certificate for High-level talent in Shenzhen, 2019.

Current Research Directions

[1]Memristors and Neuromorphic Devices: Research on the electrical properties of memristors and the exploration of neuromorphic devices based on memristors to simulate biological synaptic and neuronal information processing at the physical level, thereby achieving localized in-memory computing.

[2]Transistor-Based Flash Memory Devices: Investigation of the electrical characteristics of transistor flash memory devices. By introducing photoactive semiconductor or floating gate layers, efforts are made to develop flash memory devices that can be programmed under multiple fields (light and electric fields), enhancing the flexibility of device programming operations.

Representative Publications

[1]Z. Lv, S. Zhu, Y. Wang, Y. Ren, M. Luo, H. Wang, G. Zhang, Y. Zhai, S. Zhao, Y. Zhou, M. Jiang, Y.-B. Leng, S.-T. Han,* Development of Bio‐Voltage Operated Humidity‐Sensory Neurons Comprising Self‐Assembled Peptide Memristors, Adv. Mater. 2024, 36, 2405145. (Nature Index, IF=27.4)

[2]Z. Lv, S.-T. Han, Ye. Zhou,* A biomimetic optoelectronic memristor that mimics the human vision system, Device, 2024, Accepted. (sister journal to Cell)

[3]G. Liu, Z. Lv,* S. Batool, M.-Z. Li, P. Zhao, L. Guo, Y. Wang, Y. Zhou, S.-T. Han,* Biocompatible Material‐Based Flexible Biosensors: From Materials Design to Wearable/Implantable Devices and Integrated Sensing Systems, Small, 2023, 19, 2207879. (IF=13.0)

[4]Z. Gao, Y. Wang, Z. Lv,* P. Xie, Z.-X. Xu, M. Luo, Y. Zhang, S. Huang, K. Zhou, G. Zhang, G. Duan, Y. Zhou, S.-T. Han,* Ferroelectric coupling for dual-mode non-filamentary memristors, Appl. Phys. Rev. 2022, 9, 021417. (Nature Index, IF=19.2)

[5]Z. Lv, X. Xing, S. Huang, Y. Wang, Z. Chen, Y. Gong, Y. Zhou, S.-T. Han,* Self-Assembling Crystalline Peptide Microrod for Neuromorphic Function Implementation, Matter 2021, 4, 1702. (sister journal to Cell, IF=15.6)

[6]M. Chen, Z. Lv (co-first author), F. Qian, Y. Wang, X. Xing, K. Zhou, J. Wang, S. Huang, S.-T. Han, Y. Zhou, Phototunable memories and reconfigurable logic applications based on natural melanin. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 3569. (IF=7.4)

[7]Z. Chen, Z. Chi, Y. Sun, Z. Lv,* Chirality in peptide-based materials: From chirality effects to potential applications, Chirality, 2021, 33, 618(IF=2.4)

[8]Z. Lv, Y. Wang, J. Chen, J. Wang, Y. Zhou* and S.-T. Han,* Semiconductor quantum dots for memories and neuromorphic computing systems, Chem. Rev. 2020, 120, 3941. (Cover,Nature Index, IF=60.6)

[9]J. Wang, Z. Lv (co-first author), X. Xing, X. Li, Y. Wang, M. Chen, G. Pang, F. Qian, Y. Zhou, S.-T. Han, Optically Modulated Threshold Switching in Core–Shell Quantum Dot Based Memristive Device, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1909114. (Cover, Nature Index, IF=18.8)

[10]Z. Lv, M. Chen, F. Qian, V. A. L. Roy,* W. Ye, D. She, Y. Wang, Z.-X. Xu, Y. Zhou* and S.-T. Han,* Mimicking Neuroplasticity in a Hybrid Biopolymer Transistor by Dual Modes Modulation, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1902374. (Cover, Nature Index, IF=18.8)

[11]Z. Lv, Q. Hu, Z.-X. Xu,* J. Wang, Z. Chen, Y. Wang, M. Chen, K.Zhou, Y. Zhou* and S.-T. Han,* Organic memristor utilizing copper phthalocyanine nanowires with infrared response and cation regulating properties, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2019, 5, 1800793. (IF=7.3)

[12]Z. Lv, Y. Zhou,* S. -T. Han* and V. A. L. Roy,* From biomaterials-based data storage to bio-inspired artificial synapse, Mater. Today 2018, 21, 537. (Nature Index, IF=26.4)

[13]Z. Lv, Y. Wang, Z. Chen, L. Sun, J. Wang, M. Chen, Z. Xu, Q. Liao, L. Zhou, X. Chen, J. Li, K. Zhou, Y. Zhou*, Y.-J. Zeng, S.-T. Han* and V. A. L. Roy,* Photo-Tunable Biomemory based on Light-Mediated Charge Trap, Adv. Sci., 2018, 5, 1800714. (Cover, Nature Index, IF=16.8)

[14]Z. Chen, Z. Lv (co-first author), G. Qing*, T. Sun*, Exploring the role of molecular chirality in the photo-responsiveness of dipeptide-based gels, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2017, 5, 3163. (IF=6.3)

[15]Z. Lv, Z. Chen, K. Shao, G. Qing*, T. Sun*, Stimuli-Directed Helical Chirality Inversion and Bio-applications, Polymers, 2016, 8, 310. (IF=4.3)

[16]Z. lv, X. Li, Z. Chen, J. Chen, C. Chen, P. Xiong, T. Sun, G. Qing*, Surface Stiffness—a Parameter for Sensing the Chirality of Saccharides, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 27223. (IF=9.2)