
Rui Zhang

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Personal Details

Research Interests

Wi-Fi Sensing on Mobile Robots

Machine Learning in Wireless Communications

Working Experience

Postdoctoral Fellow | The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2021.11 - 2024.05

Research Assistant | The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2021.01 - 2021.10

Education Background

Doctor of Philosophy | University of Sydney

Thesis Title: Resource Access in the Internet-of-Things

Bachelor of Engineering | Southeast University

Major : Information Engineering


K. Xe, R. Zhang, and H. Chen, “Pulse Shape-Aided Multipath Parameter Estimation for Fine-Grained WiFi Sensing,” in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. doi:


J. Liu, R. Zhang, A. Gong, and H. Chen, “Optimizing Age of Information in Wireless Uplink Networks with Partial Observations,” in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no.

, pp. 4105-4118, July 2023.

R. Zhang, P. Cheng, Z. Chen, S. Liu, B. Vucetic, and Y. Li, “Calibrated Bandit Learning for Decentralized Task Offloading in Ultra-Dense Networks,” in IEEE Transactions on Communi-cations, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 2547-2560, Apr. 2022.

R. Zhang, P. Cheng, Z. Chen, Sige Liu, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, “Online Learning Enabled Task Offloading for Vehicular Edge Computing,” in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 9,no. 7, pp. 928-932, July 2020.

R. Zhang, P. Cheng, Z. Chen, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, “A Learning-Based Two-Stage Spec-trum Sharing Strategy With Multiple Primary Transmit Power Levels,” in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 67, no. 18, pp. 4899-4914, 15 Sep. 2019.


K. Xe, R. Zhang, and H. Chen, “RF-Based Simultaneous Localization and Source Seeking for Multi-Robot Systems,” in 2023 IEEE 24th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Shanghai, China, 2023, pp. 311-315.

R. Zhang, P. Cheng, Z. Chen, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, “Learning Multiple Primary Transmit Power Levels for Smart Spectrum Sharing,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Com-munications (ICC), Shanghai, 2019.

H. Gao, J. Jiao, R. Zhang, S. Wu, S. Gu, Q. Zhang, “Outage Performance of Cooperative Deep-Space Downlink with Backbone Relaying in SBINs,” in Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems. Springer Singapore, 2019.

Y. Hu, J. Jiao, R. Zhang, S. Wu, S. Gu, Q. Zhang, “Performance Analysis of MIMO-HARQ Schemes in LTP for Space Information Networks,” in Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems. Springer Singapore, 2019.

R. Zhang, H. Chen, P. L. Yeoh, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, “Full-duplex cooperative cognitive radio networks with wireless energy harvesting,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, 2017.

Y. Hu, J. Jiao, R. Zhang, S. Wu, S. Gu, and Q. Zhang, “Design and Analysis of LTP-HARQ Transmission Scheme in OSTBC-MIMO Systems for SINs,” in IEEE/CIC International Con-ference on Communications in China (ICCC). IEEE, 2017.

Teaching Experience and Activities

Invited Talk | Northeastern University

Wireless Communication and Sensing for Mission-Critical Applications

Guest Lecture | The Chinese University of Hong Kong

WiFi Sensing with Channel State Information

Tutor Experience | The University of Sydney

Satellite Communication Systems

Research Grant Contributions

Participation and Proposal Drafter | “Intelligent Mobile Robot-Augmented Self-Supervised Wi-Fi Sensing”, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shun Hing Institute of Advanced En-gineering research grant, HKD 796,000, 2022-2024.

Participation | “Information Freshness-Oriented Random Access: From Theory to Practical Implementation”, Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) + Research Talent Hub Scheme, HKD 3 million, 2021-2023.

Skills and Certifications

Technical Skills: Proficient in MATLAB and LaTeX, and capable of Python and C++.

Research Skills: Expertise in Bayesian inference, reinforcement learning, multi-arm bandit theory, calibration theory in distributed systems, partially observable Markov decision process,particle filter algorithm design, and physical layer of WiFi systems.

Language Skills: Fluent in English, with clear speaking and writing abilities.