刘亚超 副教授

  • 办公室:粤海校区致腾楼910
  • 导师类别:博士生导师、硕士生导师
  • E-mail:yachaoliu@szu.edu.cn
  • 办公电话:



E- mail: yachaoliu@szu.edu.cn

刘亚超,副教授,博导,本科及博士均毕业于湖南大学。博士期间及博士后阶段,在英国伯明翰大学进行合作研究。目前主要从事人工光学结构与光场调控相关的物理理论和实验研究。至今已共计发表SCI论文40余篇总引用次数超过2000次。其中,以第一作者身份在Science Advances(1篇),Light: Science & Applications3篇),Laser & Photonics Reviews(1篇),Nanophotonics(1篇),Applied Physics Letters(1篇),Optics Letters1篇)等知名光学期刊发表论文十余篇。多次参加SPIE、PIERS、IMSNP、中国物理学会秋季学术会议、超材料大会等国内外学术会议,并做学术报告。获得国家留学基金公派项目的资助,入选中国博士后基金国际交流派出计划及深圳市海外高层次人才,主持国家自然基金青年项目和面上项目各一项。











拓扑光学及材料, 光子自旋/谷霍尔效应, 赝自旋, 光子波包运动

超材料及超表面, 电介质超表面, Pancharatnam-Berry相位元件, 全息光学超表面

结构光场, 矢量光场, 涡旋光场, 光量子比特, 聚焦场

光子自旋霍尔效应, 自旋轨道角动量相互作用, 量子弱测量


1. Yachao Liu, Guo Ping Wang, John B. Pendry, Shuang Zhang. All-angle reflectionless negative refraction with ideal photonic Weyl metamaterialsLight: Science & Applications202211:276.

2. Yachao Liu, Guo Ping Wang, Shuang Zhang. A Nonlocal Effective Medium Description of Topological Weyl MetamaterialsLaser & Photonics Reviews202115:2100129.

3. Liang Peng, Hang Ren, Ya-Chao Liu, Tian-Wei Lan, Kui-Wen Xu, De-Xin Ye, Hong-Bo Sun, Su Xu, Hong-Sheng Chen, Shuang Zhang. Spin Hall effect of transversely spinning lightScience Advances2022,8:eabo6033.

4. Weimin Ye, Yachao Liu, Jianlong Liu, Simon A. R. Horsley, Shuangchun Wen, Shuang Zhang. Photonic Hall effect and helical Zitterbewegung in a synthetic Weyl systemLight: Science & Applications2019,8:49.

5. Yachao Liu and Guo Ping Wang. Beam Manipulations With Compact Planar Dielectric Pancharatnam–Berry Phase DevicesFrontiers in Physics202210:894703.

6. Yachao Liu, Yougang Ke, Hailu Luo, Shuangchun Wen. Photonic spin Hall effect in metasurf aces: a brief review, Nanophotonics, 2016, 6: 51.

7. Yachao Liu, Xiaohui Ling, Xunong Yi, Xinxing Zhou, Hailu Luo, Shuangchun Wen. Realizatio n of polarization evolution on higher-order Poincare sphere with metasurface, Applied physics Letters, 2014, 104: 191110.

8. Yachao Liu, Xiaohui Ling, Xunong Yi, Xinxing Zhou, Shizhen Chen, Yougang Ke, Hailu Luo, S huangchun Wen. Photonic spin Hall effect in dielectric metasurfaces with rotational symmetry bre aking, Optics Letters, 2015, 40: 756-759.

9. Yachao Liu, Yougang Ke, Junxiao Zhou, Hailu Luo, Shuangchun Wen. Manipulating the spin-dependent splitting by geometric Doppler effect, Optics Express, 2015, 23: 16682-16692.

10. Yachao Liu, Yougang Ke, Junxiao Zhou, Yuanyuan Liu, Hailu Luo, Shuangchun Wen, Dianyuan Fan. Generation of perfect vortex and vector beams based on Pancharatnam-Berry phase elements, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 40096.