邹文斌 副教授

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男,博士,深圳大学副教授、博士生导师,深圳市孔雀计划海外高层次人才,深圳市南山区领航人才,深圳大学优秀青年教师(荔园优青)。担任广东省普通高校智能视觉感知与理解创新团队负责人、深圳市深大爱培科智能驾驶技术研发中心理事长、深圳市现代机器学习与应用重点实验室副主任、深圳大学图像处理与机器学习理论及应用交叉学科创新团队副组长。2010年于北京大学获软件工程专业硕士学位,2014年于法国雷国立应用科学院获图像与信号处理专业博士学位。2014年至2015年在法国国立路桥大学任博士后研究员。20157月至今任职于深圳大学电子与信息工程学院。长期从事计算机视觉、图像处理方面的研究,发表包括国际权威期刊IEEE T-IPIEEE T-MMIEEE T-CSVT,国际顶级会议ICCV等在内的SCI/EI论文90余篇。主持国家自然科学基金3项(面上2项、青年1项)、广东省自然科学基金面上项目1项、广东省教育厅创新团队项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。















6. 2020年深圳市坪山区创业创新大赛二等奖

7.国际挑战赛ECCV 2018 ApolloScape: Vision-based Navigation for Autonomous Driving 第一名

8.国际挑战赛CVPR 2018 WAD Video Segmentation Challenge 第三名


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:62171294,面向视障出行的复杂道路环境感知,2022/01-2025/12

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:61771321,时空约束的协同视觉显著性检测与目标跟踪,2018/01-2021/12

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,批准号:61401287 联合显著性检测和对象分割的算法研究,2015/01-2017/12

3. 广东省教育厅创新团队,批准号:2018KCXTD027,智能视觉感知与理解,2019/07-2022/06

4. 广东省自然科学基金--面上项目,批准号:2020A1515010959,基于视频显著性检测引导的目标跟踪算法研究,2019/10-2022/09


6. 深圳市海外高层次人才创新创业专项资金技术创新项目,批准号:KQJSCX20170327151357330,海量视频的协同显著性检测与目标跟踪关键算法研究,2017/07-2020/06

7. 深圳市新引进高端人才科研启动项目,面向无人机的运动目标检测、识别与跟踪算法的研究,2016/07-2019/06

8. 深圳市科创委基础研究项目,面向视频大数据的快速视觉显著性检测及目标分割算法,2016/07-2018/06

9. 企业横向,智能驾驶技术研发, 2016-2021


[1] W. Zou et al. “Unsupervised Joint Salient Region Detection and Object Segmentation”,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (23) 3858 – 3873,2015

[2] W. Zou et al. “Online Glocal Transfer for Automatic Figure-ground Segmentation”,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (23) 3858 – 3873,2014

[3] Y. Chen, W. Zou* et al. "SCOM: Spatiotemporal Constrained Optimization for Salient Object Detection",IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 3345-3357, July 2018.

[4] Y. Yuan#, W. Zou# et al. “A Robust and Efficient Approach to License Plate Detection”,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2017 (3) 1102 - 1114

[5] Z. Liu#, W. Zou# et al. “Saliency Tree: A Novel Saliency Detection Framework”,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (5) 1937 – 1952,2014

[6] Y. Tang, W. Zou* et al. " Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection with Spatiotemporal Cascade Neural Networks",IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for VideoTechnology, 2019

[7] Z. Jin, T. Tillo, W. Zou* et al. “Robust Plane Detection using Depth Information from a Consumer Depth Camera”,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2020

[8] B. Lei, W. Hou, W. Zou* et al. "Longitudinal score prediction for Alzheimer’s disease based on ensemble correntropy and spatial–temporal constraint",Brain Imaging and Behavior, DOI: 10.1007/s11682-018-9834-z

[9] S. Jiao, W. Zou* “High-resolution parallel phase-shifting digital holography using a low-resolution phase-shifting array device based on image inpainting”,Optics Letters, (42) 482-485,2017

[10] S. Jiao, Z. Zhuang, W. Zou* “Fast computer generated hologram calculation with a mini look-up table incorporated with radial symmetric interpolation”,Optics Express, (25) 112-123,2017

[11] S. Jiao, P. Tsang, T. Poon, J. Liu, W. Zou et al. “Enhanced Autofocusing in Optical Scanning Holography Based on Hologram Decomposition”,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, (13) 2455-2463, 2017.

[12] C. Xiang, L. Zhang, W. Zou* et al. “MS-CapsNet: A Novel Multi-Scale Capsule Network”,IEEE Signal Processing Letters, DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2018.2873892, 2018

[13] S. Jiao, C. Zhou, Y. Shi, W. Zou, Xia Li, “Review on optical image hiding and watermarking techniques”,Optics & Laser Technology, Volume 109, 2019, Pages 370-380

[15] S. Jiao, W. Zou* et al. “QR code based noise-free optical encryption and decryption of a gray scale image”,Optics Communications, (387) 235-240,2017

[14] S. Jiao, C. Zhou, W. Zou*et al. “Shift, rotation and scale invariant optical information authentication with binary digital holography”,Optics Communications, (405)53-59,2017

[15] Z. Zhuang, S. Jiao, W. Zou*et al. “Embedding intensity image into a binary hologram with strong noise resistant capability”,Optics Communications, (11)245-251, 2017

[16] S. Jiao, Z. Zhuang, C. Zhou, W. Zou*, X. Li, “Security enhancement of double random phase encryption with a hidden key against ciphertext only attack”,Optics Communications, 418, 106-114, 2018

[17] S. Jiao, G. Li, C. Zhou, W. Zou*et al. “Special ciphertext only attack to double random phase encryption by plaintext shifting with speckle correlation”,Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics, Image Science & Vision, (35) A1-A6, 2018

[18] S. Jiao, Z. Jin, C. Zhou, W. Zou*et al. “Is QR code an optimal choice of data container in optical encryption from an error correction coding perspective?”,Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics, Image Science & Vision, (35) A23-A29, 2018

[19] W. Zou*et al. “Automatic Foreground Extraction via joint CRF and Online Learning”,Electronics Letter, 49 (18), 1140-1142, 2013

[20] S. Jiao, C. Zhou, W. Zou*, X. Li, “Non-destructive ghost authentication for single-pixel imaging in mass user environment”,Laser Physics28 (9), 2018

[21] H. Lei, H. Xie, W. Zou*et al. “Hierarchical Saliency Detection via Probabilistic Object Boundaries”,International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, (6)1-23, 2017


[1]W. Zou*et al. “HARF: Hierarchy-associated Rich Features for Salient Object Detection”,IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2015

[2]W. Zou*et al. “Segmentation Driven Low-rank Matrix Recovery for Saliency Detection”,British Machine Vision Conference, 2013

[3]W. Zou*et al. “Semantic image segmentation using region bank”,International Conference on Pattern Recognition,2012

[4]W. Zou*et al. “Semantic Segmentation via Sparse Coding over Hierarchical Regions”,IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2012

[5]D. Wu,W. Zou*et al. “Kernalised Multi-resolution Convnet for Visual Tracking”,IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2017

[6]Y. Tang,W. Zou*et al. "Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Conv-LSTM Network for Video Saliency Detection", ACMInternational Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2018

[7]Y. Chen,W. Zou*et al. "Video Salient Object Detection via MultipleTime-scale Analysis",IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2018

[8]Y. Tang,W. Zou*et al. “Multi-modal Metric Learning for Vehicle Re-identification in Traffic Surveillance Environment”,IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2017

[9]Z. Jin,W. Zou*et al. “A CNN Cascade for Quality Enhancement of Compressed Depth images”,IEEE International Conference on Visual Communication and Image Processing, 2017


(1) 一种基于二元分割树的区域特征描述方法及系统,申请号:201510924918.X

(2) 基于多目标函数深度学习的车辆重识别方法及装置,申请号:201710015898.3

(3) 一种基于时空约束的视频显著性检测方法及系统,申请号:201710437947.2

(4) 一种基于时空约束的视频显著性检测方法及系统,申请号:PCT/CN2017/087709

(5) 一种灰度图像编码隐藏方法及装置、解码方法及装置,申请号:201710451885.0

(6) 一种基于多分辨率神经网络的目标跟踪方法及系统,申请号:201710570207.6

(7) 基于光学加密和解密技术的图像加密和解密方法及装置,申请号:PCT/CN2016/105931

(8) 基于光学加密和解密技术的图像加密和解密方法及装置,申请号:201611036562.7

(9) 基于全卷积神经网络的压缩双目图像质量增强方法及装置,申请号:201710600916.4

(10) 基于全卷积神经网络的压缩深度图质量增强方法及装置,申请号:201710602293.4

(11) 一种鲁棒的基于深度信息的平面检测方法及系统,申请号:201710866367.5

(12) 一种鲁棒的基于深度信息的平面检测方法及系统,申请号:PCT/CN2017/102947

(13) 图像信息的隐藏方法及装置、解密方法及装置,申请号:201810792079.4

(14) 图像信息的隐藏方法及装置、解密方法及装置,申请号:PCT/CN2018/096149

(15) 轨迹预测方法及装置,申请号:PCT/CN2018/095144

(16) 轨迹预测方法及装置,申请号:201810752554.5

(17) 基于弱监督时空级联神经网络的显著目标检测方法及系统,申请号:PCT/CN2018/071902

(18) 基于弱监督时空级联神经网络的显著目标检测方法及系统,申请号:2018100186723

(19) 一种加/解密方法、加/解密端及双随机相位加解密系统,申请号:PCT/CN2017/113261

(20) 一种加/解密方法、加/解密端及双随机相位加解密系统,申请号:201711213115.9


