ShenZhen University

College of Electronics and Information Engineering

Yejun He's Research

(20)The National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Study of Theory and Methods of Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for Mobile Edge Computing in Ultra-Dense Heterogeneous Cellular Networks," (No.62071306, Principal Investigator , Jan. 2021-Dec.2024).

(19) The National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Study on Theory and Methods of Polarization in MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communication Systems, ” (No.61372077, Principal Investigator , Jan. 2014-Dec.2017).

(18) The National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Construction of New Short-Length Irregular LDPC Codes Based on Scale-Free Networks,” (No.60972037, Principal Investigator , Jan. 2010-Dec. 2012).

(17) The International Cooperative Program of Shenzhen City : “Real-time and intelligent health surveillance system in the mobile internet,” (No. ZYA201106090040A, Principal Investigator, Jan. 2011-Dec. 2012).

(16) The Technical Research and Development Program of Shenzhen City: “Intelligent Radio Remote Equipments Based on Hybrid Predistortion Technology,” (No. CXZZ20120615155144842, Principal Investigator, Jan. 2013-Dec. 2014).

(15) The Fundamental Research Key Program of Shenzhen City : “Channel Modeling in PHY layer, Optimization in Upper layer and Their Applications for Intelligent Transportation System with Cooperative Communication,” (No.JCJY20120817163755061, Principal Investigator, Jan. 2013-Dec. 2015).

(14) The Fundamental Research Key Program of Shenzhen City : “The Key Techniques in Physical Layer of Spectrum Sharing Wireless Communication System Based on Cognitive Radio,” (No.JC201005250067A, Principal Investigator, Jan. 2011-Dec. 2013).

(13) The Fundamental Research General Program of Shenzhen City: “Cross-Layer Design of MIMO-OFDM Wireless Multimedia Communication System,” (No.JC200903120101A, Principal Investigator, 2009-2012).

(12) The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Circle Project : “The Electronically Steered Smart Antenna for TD-SCDMA System,”(No.SG200810220147A,Principal Investigator, 2009-2011).

(11) The Science and Technology Program Project of Shenzhen City: “A New IPQAM Modulator with High Integrated Degree for Digital TV,” (No.SY200806270112A,Principal Investigator, 2009-2011).

(10) The Science and Technology Program Project of Nanshan District: “The R&D of Control Software about Electronically Steered Driver for Mobile Communication Basestation,” (No. 2009045,Principal Investigator, 2010-2011).

(9) The National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Study of Detection of Number of Information Sources with Fast Speed and DOA estimation methods,” (No.60702068, Co-I, 2008-2010).

(8) The Youth Science Foundation of Shenzhen University: “Study of Nonlinear Dynamical Behaviour of Three-Dimensional Turbo Product Codes Decoder,”(No.200749,Principal Investigator).

(7) The National Postdoctor Science Foundation of China: “Performance Simulation of LDPC Codes Based on EXIT Diagram over Flat Rayleigh、Ricean Fading Channel,” (No.20070420912, Principal Investigator ).

(6) The Postdoctor Science Foundation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology: “Design and Simulation of LDPC Codes Based on EXIT Diagram over Flat Rayleigh Fading Channel,” (No.200749, Principal Investigator).

(5) The Chinese University of Hong Kong Research Project: “MIMO-OFDM Technologies for Wireless Communications”(CUHK4190/03E, Co-I).

(4) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research Project: “Study of Bifurcation Phenomenon in Iterative Decoding Systems” (A-PG57, Co-I).

(3) The Important Project of National Natural Science Fundation of China: “Study of Fundamental Theory and Technology in Future Mobile Communication System (No.60496310)”, Sept.2002-June 2005, Co-I).

(2) The Important Project of National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (“863” Program): “Study of Wireless Transmission Link Technology in New Generation of Cellular Mobile Communication System,” (No.2001AA123014, May.2002-April 2004, Co-I).

(1) The Important Project of National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (“863”Program): “Design and Implemension of High Layer Protocol、Adaptive Link and Encoding/Decoding in TDD System”(No.2003AA12331005,2004-2007, Co-I).