
Sino-British Antennas and Propagation Joint Laboratory of MOST


Guangdong Engineering Research Center of Base Station Antennas and Propagation


Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Antennas and Propagation


IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society- Shenzhen Chapter

分类 合作交流 下的文章

美国麻省理工学院Moe Win教授来访,2015年11月。

LOCATION, LOCATION, AND LOCATION!Moe WinLaboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS)Massachusetts Institute of Technologymoewin@mit.eduhttp://wgroup.lids.mit.edu/Abstrac(点击阅读全文)

香港理工大学刘重明教授来访并做学术报告,Jan. 14 2016

报告题目: A Novel Type of Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) Code ----Cyclically-Coupled Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Code  主讲嘉宾: Prof. Francis C.M. Lau   香港理工大学  时间:2016年1月 14 日(周四)下午2:00地点:深圳大学南区基础实验楼北座信息工程学院N710会议室报告摘要:With the growing need of advanced communication technologies, developing superior forward-error correction (FEC) schemes has become impe...(点击阅读全文)
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