高式昌教授是香港中文大学智能电磁系统中心主任IEEE天线与无线传播期刊的主编(AWPL),IEEE Fellow,欧洲天线与传播协会的英国代表 (2020 - 2022),IEEE杰出讲师(2014 - 2016)。高教授的主要研究方向包括智能天线、相控阵、MIMO、多波段/宽带天线,反射阵列,发射阵列,射频/微波/毫米波/太赫兹前端5G/6G无线通信,微波遥感环境监控。他共同撰写/编辑了3本著作,分别为<<空间天线手册>>,Wiley, 2012;<<圆极化天线>>,IEEE Wiley, 2014;<<低成本智能天线>>,Wiley, 2019。高教授先后在国际期刊和会议上发表了400多篇论文,并获得了20多项专利。

Professor Steven (Shichang) Gao is an Honorary Professor at School of Engineering, University of Kent, UK. Prior to August 2022, he was a Professor and Chair of RF and Microwave Engineering, and the Head of Communications Research Group at School of Engineering, University of Kent, UK.

He is an expert in the fields of space antennas, smart antennas, RF/microwave/millimetre-wave/THz engineering, mobile and satellite communications, radars, electromagnetic field theory and applications. He authored, co-authored and co-edited 3 books including Space Antenna Handbook (Wiley, 2012), Circularly Polarized Antennas (Wiley-IEEE, 2014), and Low-cost Smart Antennas (Wiley, 2019), over 400 papers in international journals and conferences, and 20 patents.
He is a Fellow of IEEE, the Royal Aeronautical Society and IET, and was a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (2014-2016). He is the representative for the UK and the Republic of Ireland in European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP).
He is a member of the 6G (6th generation mobile communications) Expert Group responsible for writing the new version of 6G White Paper to be published late this year. In the field of antennas and propagation, he is the only UK academic in the 6G Expert Group which consists of some leading experts internationally in 6G related technologies.
He worked as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at National University of Singapore (Singapore), a Research Fellow at Birmingham University (UK), a Visiting Scholar at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), a Visiting Fellow at Chiba University (Japan), and a Visiting Scholar at University of California at Santa Barbara (US). He was a Senior Lecturer, Reader and Head of Antenna and Microwave Group at Northumbria University (UK) during 2002-2007, and the Head of Satellite Antennas and RF System Group at Surrey Space Centre, University of Surrey (UK) during 2007-2012. He joined the University of Kent as a Professor in 2013.
He is an Associate Editor of several international Journals (IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation; Radio Science; IEEE Access; IET Circuit, Devices and Systems; Electronics Letters), and the Editor-in-Chief for Wiley Book Series on "Microwave and Wireless Technologies". He was General Chair of 2013 Loughborough Antenna and Propagation Conference, Lead Guest Editor of Proceedings of the IEEE for Special Issue on "Small Satellites"(2018), Lead Guest Editor of IEEE Trans on Antennas and Propagation for Special Issue on "Antennas for Satellite Communication"(2015), Guest Editor of IET Circuits, Devices & Systems for Special Issue in “Photonic and RF Communications Systems” (2014), Chair of Special Session on “Satellite Communication Antennas” in CSNDSP'2012, Co-Chair of Workshop on "New Technology Development for Space" in 2015 IEEE Microwave Symposium, etc. He is a member of the editorial boards of many Journals such as International Journal of Space Science and Engineering (US), Chinese Journal of Electronics (China), Chinese Journal of Radio Science (China), etc. He was a Plenary/Invited Speaker of many international conferences and workshops (IEEE APWC'2017, UCMMT'2017, iWAT’2017, AES'2014, IWAT'2014, SOMIRES'2013, APCAP'2014, etc).

Research interests

Smart antennas, space antennas, space-borne radars, phased arrays, MIMO, antenna and radio propagation for 4G/5G/6G mobile communications, mobile terminal antennas, base station antennas, antennas for satellite communications, antennas for small satellites, RF/microwave/millimetre-wave circuits and RF front ends, mobile communication systems, satellite communications, inter-satellite links, wireless power transfer, UWB radars, GNSS reflectometry, synthetic-aperture radars, electromagnetic modelling and small satellites