博洛尼亚大学(University of Bologna)建于1088年,位于意大利博洛尼亚。这所大学的校训是“滋养学习之母”,是西方最古老的大学、欧洲四大文化中心之首,有着极高的学术威望和影响力。与巴黎大学(法国)、牛津大学(英国)和萨拉曼卡大学(西班牙)并称欧洲四大名校。Established in 1088, the University of Bologna is situated in Bologna, Italy. The motto of the university is "Nourishing mother of the studies". It is considered as the oldest university, the first of the four major cultural centers in Europe and has a high academic prestige and influence. Together with the University of Paris (France), Oxford University (UK) and Salamanca University (Spain), it is known as the four famous universities in Europe.
