题目: 支持未来全频谱接入通信系统的基站天线与组网————理论与方法
(Theories and Methods for Base Antennas and Networking for Future All-Spectrum-Access Communication Systems)
主讲人:何业军 教授
主持人:姚 远 教授
Firstly, the principle of base station antennas is introduced. Secondly, several kinds of dual-polarized base station antennas operating in various frequency bands are designed. For example, Elements are arranged such that high frequency elements are embedded in low frequency elements, thus reducing volume. A baffle is used to reflect the transmitted power density in the forward direction and also improve isolation between elements. Therefore, surrounding isolation baffles and rectangular baffles are appended around high-frequency elements and low-frequency elements, respectively. The measured results verify that the proposed antenna meets the stringent design requirements: voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is less than 1.3, the isolation is greater than 30 dB, and the pattern parameters also meet telecommunications industry standards. In addition, Several novel base station antenna arrays with compact structure and low profile are proposed for the existing mobile communication system and future all-spectrum-access communication systems. Finally, wireless communication networking method for future all-spectrum-access communication systems is introduced.