主题:【学术讲座】Privacy-Preserving Location-based Query over Outsourced Encrypted Data
主讲嘉宾: Prof. Rongxing Lu 新加坡南洋理工大学
时间:2015年11 月 2 日(周一)上午10:00
Rongxing Lu has been an assistant professor at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, since May 2013. Before that, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Waterloo from May 2012 to April 2013. Rongxing Lu was awarded the most prestigious ʺGovernor Generalʹs Gold Medalʺ, when he received his PhD degree from the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2012; and won the 8th IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Asia Pacific (AP) Outstanding Young Researcher Award, in 2013. He is presently a senior member of IEEE Communications Society. His research interests include big data security and privacy, cloud and fog computing security, smart grid security, and applied cryptography. He has published extensively in his areas of expertise (with H-index 40 from Google Scholar currently), and was the recipient of the Student Best Paper Award, ITS Summit Singapore 2015, the IEEE IES Student Best Paper Award 2014, the Best Paper Awards of TSINGHUA Science and Technology Journal 2014, IEEE WCNC 2013, IEEE ICCC 2013, BodyNets 2010, ICCCN 2009, and Chinacom 2008. He has been on the editorial boards of several international referred journals, e.g., IEEE Networks, and currently serves the technical symposium co-chair of ICCC’15, and many technical program committees of IEEE and others international conferences, including IEEE Infocom, Globecom, and ICC. (http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/rxlu/)
With the pervasiveness of smart phones, locationbasedservices (LBS) have received considerable attention andbecome more popular and vital recently. However, the use of LBSalso poses a potential threat to user’s location privacy. In this talk, aiming at spatial range query, a popular LBS providing informationabout POIs (Points Of Interest) within a given distance,we discuss an efficient and privacy-preserving location basedquery solution, called EPLQ. Specifically, to achieve privacypreservingspatial range query, we propose the first predicateonlyencryption scheme for inner product range, which can beused to detect whether a position is within a given circulararea in a privacy-preserving way. To reduce query latency, wefurther design a privacy-preserving tree index structure in EPLQ.Detailed security analysis confirms the security properties ofEPLQ. In addition, extensive experiments are conducted, andthe results demonstrate that EPLQ is very efficient in privacypreservingspatial range query over outsourced encrypted data.In particular, for a mobile LBS user using an Android phone,around 0.9 second is needed to generate a query; and it also onlyrequires a commodity workstation, which plays the role of thecloud in our experiments, a few seconds to search POIs.