报告题目:Mobile Edge Computing for Internet of Things
主讲嘉宾:Prof. Yan Zhang University of Oslo, Norway
时间:2017年 7月15日(周 六)上午9:00
In this talk, we will first present the key concepts and architectures related to mobile edge computing in the era of Internet of Things. Then, we mainly focus on mobile edge computing for Internet of Vehicles, which is the typical application of IoT. In this context, we will present our recent studies related to different offloading schemes, including delay-constrained offloading and predictive offloading.
Prof. Yan Zhang is Full Professor at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway. Hereceived a PhD degree in School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
He serves as an Associate Technical Editor of IEEE Communications Magazine, an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, an Editor of IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, an Editor of IEEE Internet of Things Journal, and an Associate Editor of IEEE Access. He serves as chair positions in a number of conferences, including IEEE GLOBECOM 2017, IEEE VTC-Spring 2017, IEEE PIMRC 2016, IEEE CloudCom 2016, IEEE ICCC 2016, IEEE CCNC 2016, IEEE SmartGridComm 2015, and IEEE CloudCom 2015.His current research interests include: next-generation wireless networks leading to 5G, reliable and secure cyber-physical systems (e.g., smart grid, transport, and healthcare).