报告题目:Automated Driving, Connected Driving, and Self-Driving
主讲嘉宾: Professor Yilong Lu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,IEEE Fellow,
时间:2018年 11月 28日(周 三)上午10:00
Self-driving technology has been identified by many industrial, investment and political leaders as the next revolution that could shape the society. Currently, radar, lidar, and camera sensors are used to enable Automated Driving (AD); and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications are used to enable Connected Driving (CD). To achieve reliable self-driving, both AD and CD are required and will be converged to Connected Automated Driving (CAD). This talk will introduce some recent R & D activities about 77 GHz automotive radar technology, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications on Nanyang Technological University campus and in Singapore. The speaker will also discuss the roadmap about when and how self-driving will be coming into our life.
Lu Yilong received the B.Eng from Harbin Institute of Technology, the M.Eng degree from Tsinghua University, and the PhD degree from University College London (UCL). After receiving his PhD degree, he joined Nanyang Technological University (NTU), where he has been a full Professor since 2006 in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His research interests include radar, antennas, array & radar signal processing, radar imaging, and application of millimetre wave radar for various sensing applications. Dr Lu is a recipient of 2012 IEEE AP‐S Schelkunoff Prize Paper Award and Excellent Paper Awards from Radar 2011, Radar 2006. Dr Lu is an IEEE Fellow, the International Director (Singapore) for IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, an Editorial Board member for IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, and the Chairman of IEEE Singapore Aerospace and Electronic Systems (AES)/Geoscience & Remote Sensing (GRS) Joint Chapter.