IEEE ComComAp2021在深圳成功召开
The 2021 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and IoT Applications (IEEE ComComAp 2021) was held from 26 to 28 Nov 2021 at Vienna International Hotel (Shenzhen North Station Store), Shenzhen, China. It was organized by Southern University of Science and Technology, and co-organized by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society-Shenzhen Chapter (IEEE APS-Shenzhen Chapter) and the IEEE Beijing Section. Professors from Southern University of Science and Technology attended the conference, including Vice President Xiaodong Zhang, Dr. Qingfeng Zhang (General Chair of IEEE ComComAp 2021), and Prof. Yejun He from Shenzhen University (TPC Chair of IEEE ComComAp 2021,Chair of the IEEE APS-Shenzhen Chapter). Prof. Ming Yu from Southern University of Science and Technology performed the opening ceremony. The meeting has gathered around 200 in-person and online experts, scholars and industrial representatives from the fields of computation, communication and IoT applications, antennas, and radio frequency. IEEE ComComAp 2021's mission is to bring together innovative researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia, industry, and governments to disseminate their significant research findings and to expand their innovative research ideas. The conference received more than 102 paper submissions. All papers were rigorously and independently peer-reviewed by more than 61 Technical Program Committee (TPC) members and a large number of reviewers. The program committee had a difficult task to select 73 full papers among many high-quality submissions for presentation and publication, representing an overall acceptance rate of about 71.6%. In addition, we invited 8 renowned IEEE Fellows to deliver their keynote speeches. Those selected and orally presented papers have been included in IEEExplore and indexed by EI.

Figure 1. Vice President Xiaodong Zhang deliverd a welcome speech

Figure 2. Prof. Ming Yu performed the opening ceremony

Figure 3. Dr. Qingfeng Zhang introduced the Organizing Committee

Figure 4. Some scholars in opening ceremony of the IEEEComComAp 2021

Figure 5. The First Keynote Speaker: Prof. Wei Hong

Figure 6. The Second Keynote Speaker: Prof. Danilo Erricolo

Figure 7. The Third Keynote Speaker: Prof. Zhi Ning Chen

Figure 8. The Fourth Keynote Speaker: Dr. Peiying Zhu

Figure 9. The Fifth Keynote Speaker: Prof. Nirwan Ansari

Figure 10. The Sixth Keynote Speaker: Prof. Zhu Han

Figure 11. The Seventh Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dusit Niyato

Figure 12. The Eighth Keynote Speaker: Prof. Qian Zhang
On the evening of Nov. 27 2021, the conference banquet and the awarding ceremony were held at Vienna International Hotel (Shenzhen North Station Store), Shenzhen, China. An art performance was held by the students from Southern University of Science and Technology and the banquet was enjoyed by the attendees on the the evening of Nov. 27 2021 (Figure 13). Prof. Yejun He presided over the awarding ceremony (Figure 14). There were 4 best papers presented during the conference. Figure 15 shows the photo of the best paper award winners of IEEE ComComAp 2021.

Figure 13. The Conference banquet of IEEE ComComAp 2021

Figure 14. Prof. Yejun He presided over awarding ceremony of IEEE ComComAp 2021

Figure 15. The best paper award winners of IEEE ComComAp 2021
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