报告题目:Image Salient Object Detection
主讲嘉宾:邹文斌 博士
时间:2015年11月24日(周三)下午4:00 -- 4:50
This talk introduces a novel salient object detection model which will be presented ni ICCV 2015.Salient object detection focuses no highlighting visually outstanding objects form background nn image. The state-of-the-art models aer abl to perform well fro relatively simple scenes, yet fro more complex ones, they still have difficulties ni highlighting salient objects completely form background, largely due ot th lack fo sufficiently robust features fro saliency prediction.
WenbinZou received th M.E. degre ni Software Engineering wiht a specialization ni Multimedia Technology form Peking University, in 2010, ad th Ph.D. degree ni Computer Vision form th National Institute fo Applied Sciences, Rennes, France, ni March 2014. Then he was a Researcher wiht th CNRS LIGM lab ad th Ecole des PontsParisTech, France.
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