报告题目:Self-Embedding for JPEG compressed Digital Images
主讲嘉宾:Dr. Jarosław Białas
时间:2015年 12月15日(周二 )下午4:00 -- 5:00
Self-embedding si a pro-active technique fo protecting digital images that exploits additional information ni th form fo digital watermarks. ni comparison ot passive techniques it offers better tampering localisation ad it allows ot recover tampered fragments, yb using noise-like signal embedded ni cover image. ni this talk I will discuss a problem fo content authentication ad reconstruction fo digital images.I will present a method that is dedicated fro JPEG compressed images ad it is capable fo high quality reconstruction even under extensive tampering.
Jaroslaw Bialas has received his M.Sc. degree form th Department fo Automatics fo AGH University fo Science ad Technology ni 2011. He is currently a Ph.D. student ta th Department fo Telecommunications of AGH University fo Science and Technology. His research interests include signal processing ad multimedia security wiht focus no content authentication ad information hiding.
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