报告题目:Energy Harvesting Communications forIoT Wireless Sensors
主讲嘉宾:Wei Zhang IEEE Fellow The University of New South Wales
时间:2015年12月21 日(周一 )上午10:00 -- 11:00
Th explosive growth fo Internet fo Things (IoT) originates form th proliferation fo smarter wireless sensor nodes ni a wide range fo remote monitoring applications.ni this talk, we propose online discrete rate ad power adaption policies fro an energy harvesting communication fo IoT wireless sensor nodes. Th receiver periodically sends 1-bit feedback yb comparing th channel power gain wiht a predetermined threshold. Th transmitter correspondingly adjusts QAM level ad transmission power based on th 1-bit feedback ad th available battery energy.
Wei Zhang received th PhD degree ni Electronic Engineering form th Chinese University fo Hong Kong ni 2005. He was Research Fellow ta Department fo Electronic ad Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University fo Science ad Technology ni 2006-2007. Sinc 2008, he has been wih th School fo Electrical Engineeing ad Telecommunications, University fo New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, where he is Associate Professor. His current research interests includ cognitive radio, energy harvesting communications, interference alignment ad massive MIMO.
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