
学术讲座:Sectorial-Spilt-Drain MAGFET: The Making of a Cost Effi


讲座题目: Sectorial-Spilt-Drain MAGFET: The Making of a Cost Efficient CMOS magnetic sensor

主讲嘉宾:Dr. Chi-Wah Kok & Dr. Wing-Shan Tam Canaan Semiconductor Limited company in Hong Kong




摘要: Traditional Hall effect based magnetic sensors heavily rely on the performance of the sensing amplifier to sense the minuscule Hall voltage on the side wall of a metal conductor induced by magnetic field. The sensing efficiency can only be improved by the implementation of costly low noise sensing amplifier, or using non-standard metal to enhance the magnitude of the induced Hall voltage. Although the operation of MAGFET is also based on the Hall principle, the MAGFET is able to convert the magnetic field strength to a differential current stream on its two drains (hence the name split drain). This underlying current operation makes it easy to parallelly connect a vast number of MAGFET together to enhance the sensitivity, which at the same time helps to nullify the measurement and thermal noise in a single MAGFET device and thus lowering the noise floor of the measured magnetic field strength. This seminar will discuss the design and construction of MAGFET in conventional CMOs process. In particular, we shall discuss the sectorial split-drain MAGFET, a particular construction that has shown to be able to provide the best performance, reliability, and silicon area and hence implementation cost trade-off. We shall also present the physical limitation of MAGFET that has hindered its wide application since its invention, and how can we overcome those limitation. Finally, a few practical design examples will be presented to demonstrate how does such a device enhance the power efficiency in modern day power electronic systems.

简介:Chi-Wah Kok was born in Hong Kong. He was granted with a PhD degree from the University of Wisconsin Madison. Since 1992, he has been working with various semiconductor companies, research institutions and universities, which include AT&T Labs Research, Holmdel, SONY U.S. Research Labs, Stanford University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong, Lattice Semiconductor etc. In 2006, he founded Canaan Semiconductor Ltd., a fabless IC company with products in mixed signal IC and sensors, high performance audio amplifier, high power MOSFETs and IGBTs. Dr. Kok embraces new technologies to meet the fast changing market requirements. He has extensively applied signal processing techniques to improve the circuit topologies, designs, and fabrication technologies within Canaan. This includes the application of semi-definite programming to circuit design optimization, abstract algebra in switched capacitor circuit topologies improvement, nonlinear optimization method to optimize high voltage MOSFET layout and fabrication. He was MPEG (MPEG 4) and JPEG (JPEG 2000) standards committee member. Since 2014. He has been granted 12 US patents. He is also the author of five books by Prentice Hall and Wiley-IEEE, and has authored numerous papers on digital signal processing, multimedia signal processing, and CMOS circuits, devices, fabrication process, and reliability. He is the special issue guest managing editor for international journals including IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vacuum, Microelectronics Engineering, Microelectronics Journal, and Solid State Electronics. He is the founding editor in chief of the journal Solid State Electronics Letters with the first issue to be printed in 2018.

Wing-Shan Tam was born in Hong Kong. She received her PhD degree in electronic engineering from the City University of Hong Kong. She has been working in different telecommunication and semiconductor companies since 2004 and is currently the Engineering Manager of Canaan Semiconductor Limited, where she works on both advance CMOS sensor design, and high power MOSFET and IGBT processes development. Dr. Tam has participated in professional services actively, in which she has been researcher in different universities since 2007. She has been the invited speaker for talks and seminars in numerous international conferences. She has served as Guest Editors in several journals published by Elsevier, and IEEE Transactions. She is the co-author of Wiley-IEEE technology textbook, and research papers with award quality. Her research interests include image interpolation algorithm, color enhancement algorithm and mixed-signal integrated circuit design for data conversion and power-management, and device fabrication process and new device structure development. She is the founding editor of the journal Solid State Electronics Letters with the first issue to be printed in 2018.
